I am Tina!
A Registered Nurse & Certified Diabetes Educator

Here to help you achieve health through simple, healthy meals and an active lifestyle.

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My Services

Let’s work together. From 1:1 personalized coaching to brand collaboration and speaking engagements, I offer an array of services

1:1 Personalized Coaching

Through personalized 1:1 coaching, I work closely with individuals to create tailored plans that address their specific needs and circumstances. Together, we navigate the complexities of diabetes, covering aspects such as blood sugar monitoring, medication management, lifestyle adjustments, and emotional well-being. I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Schedule Free exploration call

Brand Collaborations

Are you a brand looking to share your innovative products? Through authentic and engaging content, I will connect you with my dedicated audience, providing the perfect platform to showcase your brand.  

I offer various collaboration options, including sponsored posts, product reviews, brand ambassadorships, and social media takeovers. Each collaboration is tailored to suit your brand's specific goals and target audience, ensuring maximum exposure and impact.

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Speaking Engagements

Are you organizing a health event or conference? Looking for a dynamic speaker to educate and inspire your audience about diabetes? I'm here to help! As a Registered Nurse, Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist, I'm passionate about diabetes management. Book me for your next event and let's educate, motivate, and  inspire your audience to take control of their diabetes journey

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